Lyman Decapping Dies

Lyman decapping dies, also know as a depriming die, pops spent primers out of your brass. Keep spare decapping pins on hand, as they can break and stop delay your reloading. Clicking on the links below will open a detailed description of the Lyman deprimer/decapper for sale in a new window on eBay.

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Lyman Universal Decapping Die .22 - .45 Calibers - 7631290
Lyman Universal Decapping Die .22 - .45 Calibers - 7631290

LYMAN 6.5 Creedmoor 2 Die Rifle Set (7452362)
LYMAN 6.5 Creedmoor 2 Die Rifle Set (7452362)

RCBS Die Wrench multi tool 3 in 1 for rifle dies set
RCBS Die Wrench multi tool 3 in 1 for rifle dies set

Lyman Rifle 3 Die Set -- Choice from .25-20 Win. to .50-70 Gov., FREE SHIPPING
Lyman Rifle 3 Die Set -- Choice from .25-20 Win. to .50-70 Gov., FREE SHIPPING

Lyman Universal Depriming and Decapping Die .22 - .45 Calibers # 7631290 New!
Lyman Universal Depriming and Decapping Die .22 - .45 Calibers # 7631290 New!

Lyman Universal Depriming and Decapping Die .22 - .45 Calibers # 7631290 New!
Lyman Universal Depriming and Decapping Die .22 - .45 Calibers # 7631290 New!

Lyman Ideal 310 Universal Small Decapping Die (rifle)
Lyman Ideal 310 Universal Small Decapping Die (rifle)

Lyman Universal Decapping Die USA Made Reloading
Lyman Universal Decapping Die USA Made Reloading

Vintage Lyman Ideal Model 310 tong reloading tool unmarked decapping chamber
Vintage Lyman Ideal Model 310 tong reloading tool unmarked decapping chamber

Lee Single Stage Press 90045   Lyman Depriming & Decapping Die .22 - .45 Cali
Lee Single Stage Press 90045 Lyman Depriming & Decapping Die .22 - .45 Cali

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